Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Egypt Excursions


Explore the flourishing Egypt Excursions, watch the history of Ancient Egyptian in addition to visit Cairo tours and see a lot of attractions like Giza Pyramids, Sphinx and Egyptian Museum. Starting the ravishing journey with Luxor Tours and Aswan Excursions. Flying Carpet Tours offer Sharm El Shiekh Excursions and Hurghada Excursions for living unforgettable experience and enjoy the beauty of the sea and many different options.

 Explore the enchanting history of Egypt while visiting the Cairo, the capital of Egypt and the biggest city in the Middle East. Get amazed with Cairo Tours  and visit all the famous landmarks in the city as Flying Carpet Tours is offering variety of Cairo Tours. You will get the chance to enjoy with one of the wonders of the world is Giza Pyramids Cheops, Chephren, Mykerinus and you have availability to discover the pyramids from inside out. Moreover you will be able to visit the Egyptian Museum which contains the world's most extensive collection of pharaonic antiquities as Flying Carpet Tours offering Egyptian Museum and Giza Pyramids Tour to visit the main attractions in Cairo. You can also visit Sakkara Step Pyramid which is considered the oldest structure in the world, constructed approximately in 3000 B.C with our Dahshur, Sakkara and Memphis Tours and The Valley Temple is a very popular destination for tourists visiting Egypt. Try a new experience and enjoy Camel and Horse Ride for 3 hours in the desert with the magical scenery of the Sphinx.

 Take Tours to luxor tours and explore Karnak and Luxor Temples; first you will visit East Bank Temples such as Luxor Temple which is a large Ancient Egyptian temple complex and was constructed approximately 1400 BCE and was built by Amenhotep III but completed by Tutankhamun and Horemheb and then added to by Rameses II and continue with Karnak Temple which is one the most famous temple in the world and is home to three main temples, several smaller enclosed temples, and a number of outer temples ,It was built in honor of Amon-Ra. The ancient Egyptians are known for their beautiful temples let’s continue to Luxor West Bank Tours, with Valley of the Kings is one of the most extraordinary Temple and  famous sites for having unique collections of tombs including the great Pharaoh Ramses II and Pharaoh Tutankhamen and contain 63 tombs and chambers .

 you will have a chance to discover the treasure of the temple of Queen Hatshepsut , daughter of Thutmosis I, who ruled Egypt about 20 years during the 18th Dynasty and she was the only female pharaoh in the history of Ancient Egypt, it also known as Temple of Deir El-Bahari is one of the most distinctive temples and tombs a complex of mortuary temples and tombs located on the west bank of the Nile ,in addition to Colossi of Memnon is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Luxor ,  two monumental statues representing Amenhotep III and they are located west of the modern city of Luxor and face east looking toward the Nile River .

Touch the beauty of Aswan which contains a great mixture between the fabulous nature and the archaeological sites. Explore our Aswan Tours and visit Philae Temple which is considered the main attraction in the city and built during the Roman period and dedicated to Isis the Egyptian goddess, it contains many ancient Egyptian sanctuaries and shrines as it was built during the Ptolemy’s dynasty, stare at the amazement of The Kiosk of Trajan, feel ravishing while explore the Chapel of Osiris. Aswan Dam, Philae Temple and Unfinished Obelisk Tour allow you to visit all the attractions in the city. You really enjoy your tours at Abu Simble Temple it is considered the most inspiring monuments and one of the most powerful rulers of ancient Egypt, which located in the south west of Aswan

Hurghada Excursions are an excellent choice for a beach break after exploring the country’s temples and tombs, and the most beautiful beaches on the world to do water activities diving and snorkeling such as Giftun Island, it is famous for snorkel at stunning coral reefs, Get an up close glimpse of the marine life and Relax on sandy beaches . Spend the day enjoying Mahmya. Enjoy the beautiful beach and snorkeling on beautiful reefs on an island. Try different evening in Hurghada with Alf Leila W Leila Hurghada show , you will beguile your eyes with an amazing performance and special stories in the evening, as you will also get to know more about the Arabian Nights, watch the amazing acting of Arab as well as the Egyptians History. Try a new experience with Desert Safari and you will ride a camel and drive quad bike, enjoy the show and watching stars by night.

Spend your vacation for on Sharm El Sheik Excursion, Sharm El Sheikh is the best destination where you can soak up sun, dive amazing corals reefs and enjoy the sea. If you just want to relax on the beach, you will find there, also you can do many activities there like diving, snorkeling and enjoy under the sunset and the beauty of the weather. Discover the underwater of The Red Sea without snorkeling on Glass Bottom Boat Trip you will see all the colorful coral reefs and beautiful colored fish and dolphins of The Red Sea. Snorkeling Trip to Tiran Island by boat and take adventure with swimming, snorkeling, and the option to dive or Ras Mohammed to explore the history and culture of the region you will be enjoying by the natural of the beaches and the weather.

Marsa Alam is the vision of a heavenly beach and no longer a hidden beauty. With golden powdery sand, crystal-clear water and enjoy in Marsa Alam Excursions, try diving, snorkeling in Hamata Island or Try a new experience with Desert Safari Quad Bike  and you will drive quad bike between the mountains and experience the spirit of adventure .

For more info about Egypt Excursions :

Tel: +201099906242

Website: www.flyingcarpettours.com 

Email: sales@flyingcarpettours.com

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